Sunday, August 3, 2014

Week 3: Attempting Fatkins and building my cardio

Current Weight:  237.8 lbs.
Tough Mudder Countdown: 97 days

            Routine Completed:


Week 1
Chest & Back
Shoulders & Arms
Yoga X
Legs & Back
Circle B Ranch 5k
I’m Sleeping, leave me alone…

Battle Ropes
Cranes Roost 5k
Battle Ropes
Treadmill 5k
Battle Ropes

Week 2
Chest & Back
Shoulders & Arms
Yoga X

Battle Ropes
Recumbant Bike (45min)
Recumbant Bike (45min)
Recumbant Bike (45min)

Week 3

Recumbant Bike (45min)
Recumbant Bike (45min)
Recumbant Bike (45min)

Man, that chart is making me look like a slacker…

            As I mentioned in my last entry, my sister has been doing Atkins with superb results, so I adopted it as of last Monday. For those of you who have never heard of the Atkins diet, simply put, you can only eat eggs, meat, and cheese (there are quite a few exceptions now, though) which basically means no carbs which forces your body into starvation mode and causes it to eat itself, and yay fat flies! The downside is the second you leave that diet plan it comes flying back just as quickly as it came. The diet also cause tons of other massive health problems (for instance the inventor of the diet strained himself while shoveling snow and died of a heart attack) but I’m not going to get into those I will leave that to health gurus to argue about.

            I couldn’t work out on Monday because since I cut carbs out, I had no energy, so all I wanted to do was sleep, which was kind of nice, actually. The next day I was still able to do the cardio routine and continued with that and will continue to just do the cardio in the evening. I skipped Friday because of a work social event I wanted to partake in (the sacrifices one must make).

 Over this past week I decided I’m going to use myself as a guinea pig for the next 30 days by mixing the Atkins and consuming more carbs than I should (aka Broccoli and salads while still trying to adhere to the Atkins philosophy) and burn off any excess carbs consumed via the workouts. Since my focus is to build stamina for running the race and I need to lose weight but I’m not willing to risk my health with a gimmicky diet in order to achieve my goal. I am almost doing a paleo diet but that diet hates cheese, and screw that, some things I refuse to give up! Besides I lost 4 pounds in a week only working out 3 times whereas I was only losing 2 counting calories and pulling 2 a days. If my math suits me I should be down to around 200 lbs. by the end of the 30 days and then I can start the upper body workout routines.

I’m up in the air as to what kind of upper body workout routine I will adopt because while I know I could go back to doing P90x and it being effective I want something that’s more…me, and less…Tony, so I will be researching that. I’m also going to start ending my blogs with quotes from people I think should be heard more often instead of the morons everyone keeps listening to in modern day media in regards to everything from how to workout, maintain a good life, or if I just think its funny. This week having cut carbs out and going through a rough transitional period adjusting to this new diet, I found it fitting.

“Go without a coat when it’s cold; find out what cold is. Go hungry; keep your existence lean. Wear away the fat, get down to the lean tissue and see what it’s all about. The only time you define your character is when you go without. In times of hardship, you find out what you’re made of and what you’re capable of. If you’re never tested, you’ll never define you character.”

-Henry Rollins


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